Monday, 12 July 2021

Meaning of Climatology

What is Agro-climatology?
Climatology is the study of climatic (metereologigical) phenomena(Rain, drizzle, snow, ice, hail, sunlight, dust, few etc. Agro-climatology therefore can be defined as the study of metereological phenomena bearing on Agriculture in the field, green houses or sheds.
Definition of Terms
This is defined as the space between the earth and the celestial zone. It is estimated to be about 760km above sea level.
It is the study of phenomenon other than cloud observed in the atmosphere or on the surface of the earth which consists of precipitation.
This is an aggregate of liquid particles falling through the atmosphere.
This is the visible gaseous form of water. It is the presence of moisture in the atmosphere. It may be expressed as relative humidity and absolute humidity
Absolute humidity is the total mass of water in a given volume of air  while Relative humidity is the actual moisture content of a sample of gas expressed as a percentage of gas contained in the same volume of saturated air at the same temperature.

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