Saturday, 13 August 2016

MARCOTTING: What is marcotting

What is marcotting?
Marcotting also known as air layering is a type of  plant propagation that involves rooting of part of a stem while it is still attached to the parent plant. It is a type of vegetative plant propagation.
 Why marcotting
Most trees especially fruit trees are seasonal fruits (they fruit seasonally) and so are sometimes hard to propagate when they are not in season.  Air layering reduces the how long trees last before they can fruit (i.e with air layering, the trees take shorter time to fruit).
Materials needed
11.    Sawdust 
     2. Tape
3 3.     Meter rule
4  4.     Twine
5   5.     Transparent water proof
How to carry out air layering.
1.     Choose a fully matured tree
2.     Select the stems suitable for it(younger stems are  the best).
3.     Choose the part of the stem (5 cm to the tip).
4.     Cut a ring of the bark (about 10 cm).
5.     Scrape the bark very neatly.
6.     Add the saw dust. Note: it must be moist. (i.e it must have been soaked for at least seven days.
7.     Cover it with the transparent water proof and tie tightly with the twine.
8.      Allow for a few weeks. It should look like this.

Advantages of air layering.
1.     They reduce the gestation period of fruit trees.
2.     They help in propagating plants without cutting off the branch.


  1. I guess you can also use coconut husk

  2. Yes of course as long as it is moist

  3. What is the benefit of air layering the plant?

    1. It improves the genetic ability of the specie to fruit faster

  4. Is air layering, can help shorten the duration of fruit season of fruit trees?

  5. And how many days should it be ready to remove from the main trunk and plant in the soil?

  6. How many fruits can produce in one plants if marcotted?


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