Lemon grass is a very important medicinal plant in Nigeria today . it is very useful in the treatment of some very common sickness.
what is Lemon grass
The scientific name of Lemon grass is Cymbopogan citratus
it is a tufted perennial grass with numerous stiff stems arising from the rhizomatous root stock. the stout culms bear linear dropping leaves (50-100cm) gradually tapering to a long membranous acuminate tip. the leaves are yellowish green and coriacious with a serrate margin. the leaves have a resemblance with Elephant grass.
A decoction of lemongrass leaves can be used in the treatment of malaria. its leaves are used to make tea which can relieve stomach and gut problem. it can also be used as an anti depressant.
Its oil can be applied directly to the skin to treat headache, stomach ache.
Lemongrass might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast. Lemongrass also contains substances that are thought to relieve pain, reduce fever, stimulate the uterus and menstrual flow, and have antioxidant properties